Monitoring of microplastics toxicity analysis on fish ongoing at EPOC Laboratory Bordeaux University

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Monitoring of microplastics toxicity analysis on fish ongoing at EPOC Laboratory Bordeaux University

Hello everyone,

Following my visit in June at the UMR CNRS EPOC Laboratory, University of Bordeaux , you can find enclosed a short monitoring document with some information regarding the microplastics toxicity analysis on fish in progress.

The aim is to give you a better idea of what is ongoing regarding the toxicity analysis on fish exposed to environmental microplastics (less than 5 mm) collected during the Race for Water Odyssey .

This study is currently realised by Pauline Pannetier  (who include this microplastics toxicity analysis in her thesis) and supervised by Jérôme Cachot , Professor at University of Bordeaux.

These first results concerning this experimental study on fish cell line of Rainbow trout and fish embryos of Japanese Medaka are still being treated, interpreted and will remain confidential until a first publication expected at the end of 2017.

If you have question, please contact, Jérôme Cachot , University of Bordeaux, EPOC Laboratory, UMR CNRS 5805,

